
Spr3ad teh <3
teh theme for j00n 1st - 11th is "spr3ad teh <3", where Piconjo saevs teh Pico from his flaccid fate.
I am 1 with teh <3 adn teh <3 is 1 with m3.
mah p3n0r p0w3r is s0 gr8 that I will saev teh Pico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Piconjo Day Ev3nts
Piconjo Day this y3ar will include these cel3brati0ns:

OMG 6/11 - Piconjo x Pico
It's 0fficial - teh gr8est NG cr0ss0ver ev0r!!!!!!!!!!!!
Piconjo will saev teh Pico fr0m irrelevancy adn giev him teh much n33ded <3.
Pico Day 2022 is 0fficially d3clared this year on OMG 6/11 and what is known as sl0ppy s3c0nds (teh second part of Piconjo Day), bcuz Piconjo Day cums first LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Piconjo Day c0llabs
Adn now all teh 1337 Piconjo Day c0nt3nt 2 l00k 4ward 2...

Adn teh title of the f3ature m00vie is.........

Piconjo Jam '22!!!!
OMG teh next entry in teh Piconjo Jam series!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!!!!
teh Piconjo Jams are turning 18!!!!!!!! Finally legal in ALL teh states!!!!! LOL
Who will c0ntribute???? ZOMG THIS IS A SPECIAL C0LLAB!!!!!!!
if j00 r teh inter3sted in j0ining in teh Piconjo Jam 22, m0st of teh 0rganization will b doen in teh Piconjo Serv3r get j00r PiconjoDay role 2 s33 teh channels.
If j00 want 2 c0ntribute:
- maek teh Piconjo-themed animated m00vie
- dimensi0ns: 1920x1080
- ch00se length: 10 sec, 30 sec, or 1 min
- f0rmat: .mp4
- Give teh file 2 t0mmy
if j00 r n0t in teh serv3r, j00 can m3ssage m3 adn I will h3lp set j00 up.

Spr3ad teh <3, haev j00r ART as part of a Piconjo digital mural sh0wcased on mai Art page in a big, hard c0llab0rative piece put up on Piconjo Day!!!!!

teh first ev0r PICONJO ART JAM!!!!!!
How 2 c0ntribute:
- draw j00rself with teh <3 symbol
- .png filetype
- Send 2 teh Art c011ab Organizer ashmageddon or Hztaora on n00grounds 0r on Disc0rd (s33 below) - alternatively j00 may p0st on j00r NG art paeg with teh tag PiconjoDay22Art adn n0tify c011ab 0rganizers.
All c0ntribut0rs get their naem cr3dited with this f3ature<3
More info can b f0und on teh Piconjo Serv3r (in #piconjo-jam22 chann3l)

Piconjo music!!!!!???
Every1 is w3lc0me 2 maek Piconjo-inspired/themed music adn share teh s0ngs on teh n00grounds audio pr0tal<3

Piconjo Music c0nt3st!
Starting....... n0w! if j00 publish Piconjo-inspired music 2 teh Newgrounds Audio Pr0tal with teh tag "PiconjoDay2022", then it will b c0nsidered 4 teh Piconjo Day s0ng c0nt3st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Piconjo Day s0ng c0nt3st:
- Piconjo will p3rs0nally ch00se one (1) PiconjoDay2022 tagged s0ng on 6/9, that s0ng's author will be d3clared "teh Piconjo Day s0ng winn0r", adn teh s0ng will b granted teh winning title: "Theme s0ng of Piconjo Day '22".
- This d3claration will be ann0unced in teh Piconjo Day n3ws p0st on NG adn teh official Piconjo Discord Server.
- Teh author of teh winn0r will also b granted an 0riginal Piconjo-created piece of art drawn fr0m inspiration of teh winning s0ng. This original art may b used as teh s0ng's graphic icon on teh N00grounds Audio pr0tal.

b 1337, spr3ad teh <3