I am teh g0d of teh pr0tal.
Let's pwn 2gether.
if j00 maek Piconjo c0nt3nt I wi11 feature j00.
Piconjo <3 j00
Piconjo > j00
Piconjo pwns j00
suxx mah p3n0r, kthx


g0d of teh pr0tal

Pwns U


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Piconjo's News

Posted by Piconjo - May 11th, 2022


This y3ar's Piconjo Day will haev a n00 type of cel3bration!!!!!

Piconjo Day 2022 will feature musicians wh0 want 2 maek Piconjo-inspired music<3

So this y3ar is...


How d0 j00 enter teh c0ntest?

  • Published a s0ng 2 n00grounds Audi0 Pr0tal
  • include teh tag:

🏷️ PiconjoDay2022

  • that's it LOL!!
  • but remem3ber 2 k33p teh theme "spr3ad teh <3" in mind when maeking teh s0ng!

Then on j00n 9th (6/9) I will ch00se oen (1) published s0ng with teh PiconjoDay2022 tag!

teh chosen s0ng will b declared teh 0fficial Piconjo Day 2022 s0ng adn I will p0st a link 2 it in a n3ws p0st adn every1 will voet 6 adn suxx j00r pen0r <3

This will b teh first official Piconjo Day s0ng.

Let's maek Piconjo Day 2022 r0xx0rz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Piconjo Day Music f3st is part of:




Posted by Piconjo - May 3rd, 2022


Piconjo Jam '22

Piconjo Jam '22 will haev teh 22 m00vies!

This m3ans there is a limit on how many c0ntributors can make a stand alone animated segm3nt.

want 2 c0ntribute?

maek teh 1337 animated m00vie Segm3nt adn sedn it 2 teh c0llab 0rganizer!

  • dimensions: 1920x1080px
  • filetype: .mp4
  • fps: 30
  • length: varies by segm3nt type - bump3rs (10 sec), sh0rts (30 sec), or f3atures (1 min)
  • theme: segm3nts sh0uld cummunicate teh theme spr3ad teh <3

if j00 want 2 b part of teh official n00grounds celebration on 6/9 then c0nfirm with teh c011ab 0rganizers on teh discord server:


sp1n 0ver 2 teh Piconjo disc0rd server!

rememb3r, there is also teh 1st ever Piconjo Day Art c011ab adn teh Piconjo Music f3stival that j00 can particip8 in!!

We must maek Piconjo Jam '22 1337, teh Art c011ab gr8, adn Piconjo music r0xx0rz j00r s0xx0rz s0 Pico will n0t die a ghey l0ser adn b 4g0tten. h3lp saev Pico adn giev him his sl0ppy s3c0nds!!!

We must SPR3AD teh <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Piconjo Jam '22 m00vie is part of:




Posted by Piconjo - April 2nd, 2022




Spr3ad teh <3

teh theme for j00n 1st - 11th is "spr3ad teh <3", where Piconjo saevs teh Pico from his flaccid fate.

I am 1 with teh <3 adn teh <3 is 1 with m3.

mah p3n0r p0w3r is s0 gr8 that I will saev teh Pico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Piconjo Day Ev3nts

Piconjo Day this y3ar will include these cel3brati0ns:


OMG 6/11 - Piconjo x Pico

It's 0fficial - teh gr8est NG cr0ss0ver ev0r!!!!!!!!!!!!

Piconjo will saev teh Pico fr0m irrelevancy adn giev him teh much n33ded <3.

Pico Day 2022 is 0fficially d3clared this year on OMG 6/11 and what is known as sl0ppy s3c0nds (teh second part of Piconjo Day), bcuz Piconjo Day cums first LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Piconjo Day c0llabs

Adn now all teh 1337 Piconjo Day c0nt3nt 2 l00k 4ward 2...


Adn teh title of the f3ature m00vie is.........


Piconjo Jam '22!!!!

OMG teh next entry in teh Piconjo Jam series!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!!!!

teh Piconjo Jams are turning 18!!!!!!!! Finally legal in ALL teh states!!!!! LOL

Who will c0ntribute???? ZOMG THIS IS A SPECIAL C0LLAB!!!!!!!

if j00 r teh inter3sted in j0ining in teh Piconjo Jam 22, m0st of teh 0rganization will b doen in teh Piconjo Serv3r get j00r PiconjoDay role 2 s33 teh channels.

If j00 want 2 c0ntribute:

  1. maek teh Piconjo-themed animated m00vie
  2. dimensi0ns: 1920x1080
  3. ch00se length: 10 sec, 30 sec, or 1 min
  4. f0rmat: .mp4
  5. Give teh file 2 t0mmy

if j00 r n0t in teh serv3r, j00 can m3ssage m3 adn I will h3lp set j00 up.


Spr3ad teh <3, haev j00r ART as part of a Piconjo digital mural sh0wcased on mai Art page in a big, hard c0llab0rative piece put up on Piconjo Day!!!!!


teh first ev0r PICONJO ART JAM!!!!!!

How 2 c0ntribute:

  1. draw j00rself with teh <3 symbol
  2. .png filetype
  3. Send 2 teh Art c011ab Organizer ashmageddon or Hztaora on n00grounds 0r on Disc0rd (s33 below) - alternatively j00 may p0st on j00r NG art paeg with teh tag PiconjoDay22Art adn n0tify c011ab 0rganizers.

All c0ntribut0rs get their naem cr3dited with this f3ature<3

More info can b f0und on teh Piconjo Serv3r (in #piconjo-jam22 chann3l)


Piconjo music!!!!!???

Every1 is w3lc0me 2 maek Piconjo-inspired/themed music adn share teh s0ngs on teh n00grounds audio pr0tal<3



Piconjo Music c0nt3st!

Starting....... n0w! if j00 publish Piconjo-inspired music 2 teh Newgrounds Audio Pr0tal with teh tag "PiconjoDay2022", then it will b c0nsidered 4 teh Piconjo Day s0ng c0nt3st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Piconjo Day s0ng c0nt3st:

  • Piconjo will p3rs0nally ch00se one (1) PiconjoDay2022 tagged s0ng on 6/9, that s0ng's author will be d3clared "teh Piconjo Day s0ng winn0r", adn teh s0ng will b granted teh winning title: "Theme s0ng of Piconjo Day '22".
  • This d3claration will be ann0unced in teh Piconjo Day n3ws p0st on NG adn teh official Piconjo Discord Server.
  • Teh author of teh winn0r will also b granted an 0riginal Piconjo-created piece of art drawn fr0m inspiration of teh winning s0ng. This original art may b used as teh s0ng's graphic icon on teh N00grounds Audio pr0tal.


b 1337, spr3ad teh <3



Posted by Piconjo - April 2nd, 2022


Piconjo Pwns Day was a successful cel3br8shun of pwnage of y0re <3

But has s0em toady b33n croaking at j00 2 much?

let me kn0w adn they can haev a sp3shul st0ry t0ld...

h3re is one st0ry of Piconjo Pwns Day...

teh sad st0ry of Pig Lord

1nce upon a tiem... Pig Lord was teh admin of a (now) limp adn flaccid kingdum where teh rulers were warty adn ghey.

they bcame s0 deg3ner8 they w0rshipped a ghey eyedo11.

But 1 day... they g0t triggered over a meme of their sacred eyed0ll.

ROFLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF LOL!!!!!! I kn0w LOL!!!

But they did teh w0rship this graven img adn since they luvd teh faek adn ghey eyed0ll then teh meme had much p0w3r over them... s0 much trigg0ring that there was a Purebl00d Party held in their h0n0r LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

h3re is s0em Piconjo-0riginal art 2 c0mmem0rate teh pwning of Pig Lord.

Telling teh st0ry of trigtards in 3 p03tic w0rks of teh art:

Pig Lord ended up married 2 teh big red flag adn put it in his buttz 4 a sissygasm.

adn they lived happily ev0r aft0rz

teh edn

teh m0ral: ple3se d0 n0t b a Pig Lord, if j00 run a server d0n't let j00r m0ds b teh warty, k?<3

Piconjo pwns j00

Piconjo > j00

but also

Piconjo <3 j00



Posted by Piconjo - April 1st, 2022

2day, 4pril 1st, is h3reby d3clared........


PICONJO PWNS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!1!

This is teh day where j00 remember all teh 1337 m0m3nts in hist0ry where j00r g0d Piconjo pwnd all teh toadies adn n00bs maeking teh w0rld a m0re 1337 place.

When every1 else didn't want to st3p up and cum 4ward against toady lies adn trickery with their warty buttz in every1's face, PICONJO CUMS 2 SAEV J00<3

Let us taek a m0ment 2 remember s0em classic pwnage...

Here is a classic where a n00b fr0m teh Lock Crew maed a m00vie about sh00ting Piconjo. Fewl, j00 cann0t kill Piconjo, 4 Piconjo can n3ver die LOLOLOLOL!!!

Adn, of c0urse, teh classic Piconjo Besitzen Sie where Wadolf gets pwned bcuz he tried to bannz0rz m3 fr0m teh n00grounds IRL; get pwned. ROFLZ!!!

Piconjo Day(s)

Adn j00 can l00k 4ward 2 Piconjo Pwns Pico Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

This j00n w3 haev teh upcumming:

This y3ar's Piconjo Day Theme is:


"Spread teh <3"

Adn this is why we r spr3ading teh luv 2 Pico, 2 help bring him back out of teh irrelevancy with teh p0w3r of mah p3n0r. Piconjo x Pico will b officially end0rsed by m3 adn Tom Fulp so b sure 2 f0llow my NG Acc0unt 2 keep up on teh upcumming ann0uncements!!!!


f0llow 4 moer LOLZ!!



Posted by Piconjo - March 20th, 2022

Official announcement!

Piconjo will save Pico!!!!!!!


There haev been s0 many p3ople asking

PICONJO, why do j00 pwn Pico s0 hard in teh buttz.


OMG What is Piconjo x Pico all ab0ut????????

teh backst0ry

It is teh sad, but Pico's p0pularity is dr00ping.

dr00ping adn p00ping.


Pico has b33n overshad0wed by mah m00vies adn teh similarity of naems just adds 2 teh confusion... OMG SAD! YoY

s0 I, as teh g0d of teh pr0tal, dcided 2 s3t things straight (as straight as can b with Pico) LOL!

I called f0r teh Tom Flup adn he was br0ught f0rth un2 m3.

I said "tom flUp, j00rs know Piconjo <3 j00 very much" so j00 get a speshul g0dly g1ft... oen that will maek j00r p3n0r wiggle and jiggle adn dance... yes, it will maek j00 f33l teh randy dandy in j00r daddy pants once m0re. This is a speshul g1ft j00 haev b33n asking 4 during Piconjomas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!

s0 n0w it is 0fficial...

6/9 is Piconjo Day once more!!!!!!


6/11 is Piconjo x Pico Day <3

OMG 6/11


This is all s0000000 1337, but what is teh s3cr3t behind teh coincidence of Pico having a naem that is just part of teh full 1337 naem Piconjo?

0GM I will t3ll j00...


f0llow teh white rabbit.


Let's cum 2gether adn use teh <3 4 daddy flup bcuz OMG this t00k a lot 2 plan with him adn every1 who has b33n f0llowing Piconjo adn Pico m00vies.

B gr8
B <3'd

Piconjo <3 j00



Posted by Piconjo - February 24th, 2022


suxx mah p3n0r G-bot

get pwned toadies

I'd liek 2 thx ProstitutoMan 4 all teh laffs at his 3xpense, evilscr0tum for pr0viding all teh funny smelling ch33se to France during mah visit there with Legndary d0g, as well as special thx 2 Justin Tr00d00d00head 4 suxxing it whiel croaking a beautiful s0ng, and speshul thx 2 hunter's laptop 4 all teh crack sm0king n00ds that maek little toadies everywhere randy ROFLZ.

pwn in p3ace

h3alth, w3alth, and <3 2 all teh artists on N00grounds 4ev3r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<3Tricky says n0 moer pube-sniffing potato headed toadies; h0nk h0nk

Piconjo > j00

RIP Livecorpse, Lord Humungus, adn Legendary Phr0g

Piconjo <3 j00 all

every last 1 of j00



Posted by Piconjo - February 14th, 2022


February teh 14th is n0w h33rby d3clared

<3 Epic Kiss Day <3

Every1: p0st a c0mment wh0 j00 r teh kissing, wh0 j00 want 2 epic kiss, wh0 j00 want 2 s33 epic kiss, and h0w much j00 kiss mah p3n0r<3



Latest Epic Kiss m00vie, teh banz0red m00vie r3turns!!!!

VOET 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Enjoy s0me classic n00grounds in teh Epic Kiss NG c0llections page.

Epic Kiss

teh 0rigina1

Epic Kiss 6


Epic Kiss 11

Piconjo <3 Strawberry Clock

Epic Kiss 21

Piconjo <3 SickSexFiend

Epic Kiss 22

Piconjo <3 Jerkoffman

Epic Kiss Valentine Kiss

0GM where did it g0ez? WHERE IS IT? OH NOEZ... will it cum back...???

Epic Kiss Valentine Kiss - FAIR USE

YES H3RE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

c0pyright suxx mah p3n0r LOLOLOLOL

Epic Poo


Piconjo pwn j00

Piconjo > j00

Piconjo <3 j00




Posted by Piconjo - January 24th, 2022


This is little joey

j00 mah rem3mber fr0m b4 when I asked j00 all 2 help saev him fr0m starvation by subscribing 2 his patreon.

here is teh updaet:

Little joey lefrog didnt get any moer patreon subs... ToT

He lost them...




he cant get it up to 69

Piconjo s0 sad now... I will doante s0mething 2 him and give him teh 69 <3



Posted by Piconjo - January 7th, 2022

iu_518450_661678.png Mai g00d friend @legendaryfrog has b33n an inspiration 2 many.

he has worked hard on teh movies adn his unique style of art but does not haev very much support.

We w0rked on flash animation 2gether adn spread teh <3. Without him there would n0t be n3arly as much laughs and <3 in teh w0rld.

2day I ask j00 2 help support my d3ar friend, c0nsider bcumming a subscriber 2 his patreon:


Just $1 a month can help f33d a starving froggy.

thank j00<3



