Piconjo Day is cel3brated in many ways...
This year we came 2gether 4 teh first Piconjo Day music f3st - ce1ebrating with s0ngs that maek our p3n0rs randy!
Any s0ng that was publish3d on teh audi0 pr0tal bef0re Piconjo Day with teh tag PiconjoDay2022 was part of teh Piconjo Day Music f3st adn spr3ad teh <3 2 all teh Piconjers everywhere.
even teh toadies g0t 2 experi3nce teh <3
But there's moer!
There is teh 1 s0ng that b3st repr3sents teh year's Piconjo Day th3me:
spr3ad teh <3
adn that s0ng is teh winz, adn is granted teh title of Piconjo Day 2022 theme s0ng
2day w3 haev teh cr00kie m0nster as ann0uncer of "teh winnz0rz"...
adn teh winz0rz of Piconjo Day Music f3st c0nt3st is...
🏆Teh G0d Of Teh Pr0tal!! | Pic0Njo dey '22
by @SynnCloud
k, n0w every1 g0 voet 6 on this s0ng adn suxx its p3n0r LOL!!!!!
but als0 enj0y all teh Piconjo-inspired music p0sted on Piconjo Day for teh f3st <3