suxx mah p3n0r G-bot
get pwned toadies
I'd liek 2 thx ProstitutoMan 4 all teh laffs at his 3xpense, evilscr0tum for pr0viding all teh funny smelling ch33se to France during mah visit there with Legndary d0g, as well as special thx 2 Justin Tr00d00d00head 4 suxxing it whiel croaking a beautiful s0ng, and speshul thx 2 hunter's laptop 4 all teh crack sm0king n00ds that maek little toadies everywhere randy ROFLZ.
pwn in p3ace
h3alth, w3alth, and <3 2 all teh artists on N00grounds 4ev3r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<3Tricky says n0 moer pube-sniffing potato headed toadies; h0nk h0nk
Conga rats to you!