Piconjo Pwns Day was a successful cel3br8shun of pwnage of y0re <3
But has s0em toady b33n croaking at j00 2 much?
let me kn0w adn they can haev a sp3shul st0ry t0ld...
h3re is one st0ry of Piconjo Pwns Day...
teh sad st0ry of Pig Lord
1nce upon a tiem... Pig Lord was teh admin of a (now) limp adn flaccid kingdum where teh rulers were warty adn ghey.
they bcame s0 deg3ner8 they w0rshipped a ghey eyedo11.
But 1 day... they g0t triggered over a meme of their sacred eyed0ll.
ROFLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF LOL!!!!!! I kn0w LOL!!!
But they did teh w0rship this graven img adn since they luvd teh faek adn ghey eyed0ll then teh meme had much p0w3r over them... s0 much trigg0ring that there was a Purebl00d Party held in their h0n0r LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
h3re is s0em Piconjo-0riginal art 2 c0mmem0rate teh pwning of Pig Lord.
Telling teh st0ry of trigtards in 3 p03tic w0rks of teh art:
Pig Lord ended up married 2 teh big red flag adn put it in his buttz 4 a sissygasm.
adn they lived happily ev0r aft0rz
teh edn
teh m0ral: ple3se d0 n0t b a Pig Lord, if j00 run a server d0n't let j00r m0ds b teh warty, k?<3
Piconjo pwns j00
Piconjo > j00
but also
Piconjo <3 j00
Best day ever ^0^