This y3ar's Piconjo Day will haev a n00 type of cel3bration!!!!!
Piconjo Day 2022 will feature musicians wh0 want 2 maek Piconjo-inspired music<3
So this y3ar is...
How d0 j00 enter teh c0ntest?
- Published a s0ng 2 n00grounds Audi0 Pr0tal
- include teh tag:
🏷️ PiconjoDay2022
- that's it LOL!!
- but remem3ber 2 k33p teh theme "spr3ad teh <3" in mind when maeking teh s0ng!
Then on j00n 9th (6/9) I will ch00se oen (1) published s0ng with teh PiconjoDay2022 tag!
teh chosen s0ng will b declared teh 0fficial Piconjo Day 2022 s0ng adn I will p0st a link 2 it in a n3ws p0st adn every1 will voet 6 adn suxx j00r pen0r <3
This will b teh first official Piconjo Day s0ng.
Let's maek Piconjo Day 2022 r0xx0rz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Piconjo Day Music f3st is part of: