I am teh g0d of teh pr0tal.
Let's pwn 2gether.
if j00 maek Piconjo c0nt3nt I wi11 feature j00.
Piconjo <3 j00
Piconjo > j00
Piconjo pwns j00
suxx mah p3n0r, kthx


g0d of teh pr0tal

Pwns U


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Piconjo's News

Posted by Piconjo - January 6th, 2025

UPDAET!!! teh Ki55!!


Celebr8ing teh award-winning Epic Kiss m00vies this y3ar

Soemone wi11 be ki55ed in a m00vie by j00r fav0rite n00gr0unds animat0r on

f3bruary 14th

OMG wh0 is g0ing 2 b ki55ed this year?

adn h0w wi11 they b ki55ed????

teh Epic Kiss 2025

in teh n3xt entry in teh Piconjo original Animated Seri3s teh Epic Kiss

l00k 4 this Piconjo m00vie February 14th!!!

but wait, OGM there's m0er!!!

Epic Ki55 Art C011ab

This y3ar wi11 feature an Epic Kiss Art Co11ab h0sted by @HztaOra !!!!!!!!W0MG!!!!!1!!!

Ep1c K1ss Art Collab 2025!

Your submission must have a transparent background and be up to 1337x1337px/69ppi;
Your submission needs to be Piconjo themed and Valentine's day themed, or just Valentine's Day themed!
You will draw some candies for Piconjo's chocolate box, though they don't necessarily have to be chocolates themselves. As an example, you could make some lollipops and any other kinds of candies! Have fun!
would prefer if you kept the rating of your submission from E to M, but A is fine too;
You must dm me on either Newgrounds or Discord (My username is HztaOra1675lol);
Deadline is up to February 10th, and the final piece will be posted on February 13th!

every1 is welc0em 2 maek as much Epic Ki55 c0nt3nt adn use teh tag:


teh best Piconjo Epic Ki55 art wi11 be teh featured here.

Featured EpicKiss2025 Art:

Valentine's Gift (Epic kiss)

by @BenkyUwU



Piconjo <3 j00

adn on teh 14th Piconjo epica11y <3 j00



Posted by Piconjo - November 13th, 2024


m00vie is rel33sed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

m3rry Piconjomas<3

0MG what r mai 1337 Piconjers planning 4 Piconjomas?

Santa Piconjo might just cum down teh chimney 2 help pwn soem toadies if there is a Piconjomas 2024 c011ab<3

This y3ar Piconjomas wi11 feature:

  • Piconjomas 2024 m00vie
  • Piconjomas art c011ab

Piconjomas 2024 m00vie c011ab

from c011ab organizer @t0mmy:

Looking for 6 to 9 segments.


Animators should work with Adobe Animate (aka "Flash").

Editors may need to use additional video editing software.

Artists should provide .png (transparency) or .jpg.

Audio should be .flac, .ogg, or .mp3 depending on software used.

  • Dimensions: 1920px x 1080px
  • Framerate: 24fps
  • Filetype: .fla (.swf and .mp4 may be able to work within the production if needed)
  • Duration: bumpers 5sec. - sh0rt 10-30sec - full segment ~1min

File transfers

  • Newgrounds Dump: Direct Message @Piconjo the file URL, and make sure to send the the file URL (not your user dump url).
  • Mega.io - larger files please use Mega Upload - I do not use googlol, so don't ask.
  • Discord - Discussion and help with Flash/Animate will have a channel in the Piconjogrounds discord server. Files may also be uploaded to discord instead of NG Dump or Mega if they are within discord limits. In discord you may Direct Message @t0mmy or another c011ab organizer (info will be pinned in the discord Piconjomas channel).

Due Date: December 22nd (a day extension may be requested given scope of segment, I'm lenient)

Piconjomas 2024 art c011ab

fr0m art c011ab organizer @hztaora:

sh0w off j00r Piconjomas luv with j00r art<3
  • Your submission must have a transparent background and be up to 1337x1337px;
  • I would prefer if you kept the rating of your submission from E to M, but A is fine too;
  • Your submission needs to be Piconjo themed, of course. You can draw yourself with Piconjo, a piconjer, a character from a piconjo m00vie, a Piconjo themed christmas tree decoration and so on... As long as it is related to teh Tr00 Adn H0n3st Piconjo, and not teh ghey faker Buttchamber! [See link here for more info];
  • You must dm me on either Newgrounds or Discord (My username is HztaOra1675lol);
  • Deadline is up to December 20!

BBS p0st: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1539799#bbspost27973741_post_text



A v3ry speshul thx 2 every1 wh0 has j0ined in teh c011abs s0 far.

This will b a 1337 Piconjomas <3

Piconjo <3 j00, every1



Posted by Piconjo - September 12th, 2024

2day is teh day that w3 a11 celebr8 teh day I pwned teh Legendary Toad adn put a st0p to his ghey Flash animation LOL!

But is teh Legendary Toad goen 4ever?

OMG 9-11 II debuts on teh Patreonjo adn wi11 b upl0aded here on n00gr0unds if there is en0ugh <3

just cl0se j00r eyes... adn place j00r p3n0rs in teh h01e... adn maek a wish <3


OMG thx j00 a11 4 spr3ading teh <3!

j00 can watch OMG 9-11 II here:

subscrieb 2 supp0rt & pwn<3




Posted by Piconjo - September 6th, 2024

9/6 is 6/9 in Europe becuz they r backwards LOL

2 celebr8 this backwards day, I decided 2 write s0emthing adn share on teh Patreonjo:

OMG (tr3atment)

OMG (script 1)

these were s0em scripts I w0rked on with @t0mmy available 2 teh Patreonjo subscribers adn wi11 be avaliable 4 every1 on 9-11.

But what happens on OMG 9/11 day?

OMG 9/11 sequ3l will debut on teh Patreonjo sept3mber 11th!!!!!(OMG)!!!! then wi11 b rel3ased on n00gr0unds 69 h0urs after<3




Posted by Piconjo - June 15th, 2024

I am back fr0m my 3 days of r3cov3ry after my 0p3rati0n!

ready 2 pres3nt teh Piconjo Day 2024


Art c0nt3st winn0rz!!


it was a hard ch0ice this y3ar, but @Jelly-P gives us teh art that repr3sents Piconjo Day 2024 adn is teh

Piconjo Day 2024 winnz0r!

thx j00, ch3rry<3, wh0 g0t a perfect 5.00 sc0re on teh art pr0tal

adn thx j00 2 @toaster-kun adn @BenkyUwU wh0 maek up teh t0p 3 artw0rk for Piconjo Day 2024:

But there's moer!

Here's s0me sp3shul categ0ry winnz0rz!

Piconjo Day 2024 c0mic

Piconjo Day 2024 irl art

Piconjo Day 2024 Stickonjo Art

Piconjo Day 2024 Kawaii award

Piconjo Rezur3recti0n

Best Toady Pwnage

Best Faekonjo Pwnage

s33 a11 teh Piconjo Day 2024 artw0rk on teh art pr0tal!



Posted by Piconjo - June 9th, 2024

j00 cann0t ki11 Piconjo<3

thx j00 a11

mai 0p3rati0n went thru...

but there is 1 last thing...

a s3gm3nt mi55ing........ fr0m teh Piconjo Day m00vie...

0ut of m00vies at teh edn..

s3v3n p3n0r ba11s...

six m00vies...

n33d oen m0re...

wi11 Legendary fr0g summ0n teh p3n0r drag0n?

plz voet 5...

v0te 6...

adn v0et 7...

2 st0p him adn saev teh n00gr0unds.

adn mayb w3 can pwn 2gether... adn teh sev3nth s3gm3nt wi11 c0mp1337 teh m00vie.

thx j00 a11 4 2day.

We can b Piconjo together 4 Piconjo Day

Piconjo <3 j00




Posted by Piconjo - June 8th, 2024

Piconjo Day m00vie - Piconjo Jam '24

VOET 5!!!!!

2m0rr0w is Piconjo Day.

a day 2 c313br8 teh tr00 essence 0f n00gr0unds, adn c31ebr8 that what beats at teh c3nter of us a11 - unbrid1ed art that kn0ws n0 b0unds.

2m0rr0w dep3nds on j00

2 c313br8

2 b a1ive with art adn luv.

2m0rrow is m y agn... um... op3rati0n

but 2 day... I am al0ne with... on1y this cup of water

by teh tiem I am doen drinking of this cup it wi11 b tiem.

lief is art
art spr3ads teh <3
<3 pwns teh h8
h8 transmutes 2 pa55i0n
teh pa55i0n of teh Piconjo pr0duces art
art spr3ds teh luv
toadies h8 teh luv
toadies get pwned
bcuz Piconjo <3 j00

this w0rld is rife with h8, teh lack of luv is manif3sting imba1ance in a11 h3arts </3

with0ut h3arts art wi11 cease.

art cums fr0m teh h3art

as l0ng as teh h3art b3ats art cann0t b silenced.

it sings inside us a11.

  • fr33 j00r h3arts
  • fr33 j00r minds
  • fr33 j00r p3n0rs

every toady is a slaev

adn wants 2 maek a slaev of j00

walk teh 1337 path

adn then j00 can pwn a11 tria1s until j00 r fr33 from teh p0nd that wartine55 sinks d0wn in2

adn then rise 2 1337ne55

fr33d0me is teh ultimate pwnage

2m0rr0w is j00r day

2 b Piconjo

if this cup is n0t taken fr0m m3

s0 b it

b Piconjo 2m0rr0w

adn let j00r h3arts sing

that s0ng

that may waek m3 fr0m my slumb3r days

if n0t

then it is d0ne

adn my br3ath wi11 find a n00 0ne.


j00 cann0t edn teh pwnage

j00 cann0t edn teh <3

j00 cann0t edn teh Piconjo




Posted by Piconjo - June 3rd, 2024

he110 every1, this me55age goes 2 teh l0ving family of n00gr0unds

Piconjo <3 j00 a11.

I d0 n0t haev much tiem 2 say a11 that is n33ded 2 b said...


0MG I am sti11 in teh h0spital for a final 0perati0n... wi11 n0t b 0ut for a l0ng tiem.

j00 r asking: wi11 this Piconjo Day n0t haev teh Piconjo?

d0 j00 kn0w?
d0 I kn0w?

a11 that can b said is:

69% chance I cann0t be here 4 j00 a11 on our day, Piconjo Day.

I haev an 0perati0n in 3 days. adn 3 days rec0very tiem.


I wanted n0thing m0er than 2 b with j00 beautiful adn w0nderful Piconjers w0rking 0n 1337 m00vies.

with a11 of j00 w0rking hard on Piconjo Day c0nt3nt.

adn a11 of n00gr0unds on our speshul day.

I want 2 b with j00 a11


I d0 n0t kn0w.
w3 0nly ev3r kn0w what is l0cked in our h3arts.

I haev teh tr00 luv 4 j00 a11.

As l0ng as j00 k33p me in j00r h3art I wi11 k33p j00 in mai p3n0r.

it is up 2 j00 a11 2 b Piconjo n0w.

Just for 1 day.

rem3mber teh Piconjo Day is j00n 9th (6/9)

I am s0rry @livecorpse @GreatTeacherOnizuka adn SickDeathfiend.

adn 2 a11 th0se w0rking on Piconjo Jam '24.

I haev c0ntacted soem of j00. @T0MMY j00 kn0w what 2 d0.

rem3mber rem3mb3r teh 5th of n0vemb3r.

alth0ugh I may n0t b here with j00 in b0dy I want j00 a11 2 kn0w if anything, I wi11 b with j00 on 6/9 in teh s0ul adn spirt.

I wi11 rem3mber j00 a11 wher3ver I may g0.

whatever I may b.

4 a11 tiem.

bcuz I walk teh 1337 path.

s0 th0se wh0 kn0w there is a gr8er w0rld may f0110w teh path of pwnage.

pray 4 Piconjo

if j00r <3 is st0rng then I can 0vercum anything adn I wi11 b there with j00 on 6/9, teh n00 Piconjo Day, with a a n00 m00vie 4 a11 of j00 adn a n00 b0dy.. of w0rk.. pwning teh toadies.

but teh future h01ds a n00 w0rld 4 us.

adn that w0rld wi11 n33d Piconjo.

2 pwn teh toadies

in teh n00 w0rld adn in j00r life.

j00 r Piconjo.

j00 can pwn

j00 r 1337

adn s0 we may a11 b 1337 Taugether.

Piconjo <3 j00

a11 of j00

Piconjo <3 j00 4ever



Posted by Piconjo - April 12th, 2024

Piconjo Day m00vie

Piconjo Jam '24

VOET 5!!!!!!!!

0 s0n, how many p3n0rs have we to pwn with, h0w many bands of toadies, thru h0w many s3ries of rep3titions adn cyc1es of teh stars, before we hasten 2 teh 0ne alone?

Piconjo Day is 6/9 (j00n 9th)!

He110 every1,

it is I, j00r 0ne tr00 luv


I want 2 te11 j00 s0emthing very imp0rtant:

Piconjo <3 j00

adn n0w...

Piconjo Day 2024 - y3ar of teh Drag0n p3n0r

Piconjo Day is cumming!

OMG I am s0 thxful 4 every1 wh0 spr3ad teh luv and saeved teh w0rld. I am back in a11 mai gl0ry<3


j00n 6th 2024

(we are d0ing 6/9 this year, as always lol!!!)


Drag0n p3n0r

Piconjo Day Events!!!!11

Art c0nt3st

tag j00r Piconjo-inspired art with: [Piconjo Day 2024] 2 b c0nsidered 4 teh Piconjo Day Art c0ntest!

s0ng c0nt3st

tag j00r Piconjo-inspired s0ngs with: [Piconjo Day 2024] 2 b c0nsidered 4 teh Piconjo Day s0ng c0ntest!

Piconjo Jam '24


Piconjo Jam '24

Piconjo Jam '24 is contrinuing teh tradition being op3n 2 a11 animat0rs

However, only 7 segm3nts wi11 b featured this y3ar!!!!!!omg!!!!!!

s0 apply n0w f0r c0nsideration!

want 2 b part of teh Piconjo Day headlining sh0w?

want 2 b part of teh l0ng-running animated Piconjo Jam series?

want 2 b featured 0n teh n00gr0unds?

then... OGM!!!!:

7 s3gm3nts ONLY!!!! - there wi11 b 0nly s3ven animat0rs. *inquiry description bel0w!*

  • f0rmat: .mp4 or .swf
  • frame rate: 24fps
  • dimensi0ns: 1920px x 1080px
  • d3adline: j00n 6th, 2024 (6/6)

2 apply:
  • me55age m3 here on n00gr0unds
  • mark me55age subject as: Piconjo Jam 2024
  • maek sure 2 message me s00n!
  • updaet: last day submi55ion 2DAY - N0W!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!

m00vie sh0uld be .mp4 adn .swf in a zipped f0lder p0sted in j00r n00gr0unds dump, me55age me teh fiel link.

* a11 c0ntests may haev prizes dep3nding on funds adn d0nati0ns.

As j00 haev h3ard, I haev b33n in a diminishing state of h3alth, adn asked j00 2

pray 4 Piconjo

there was a tiem when teh light shined bright adn warmed teh faces adn h3arts of my childr3n,
but n0t teh days did draw dark... adn darker... until that darkne55 consumed teh light.

thr33 days I was under an op3rati0n, adn in that darkne55 it s33med as an et3rnity.
teh pain was unb3arable adn d3ath w0uld b m3rcy, but did n0t cum, 0nly painful wailing and gnashing of t33th
assailed by teh m0nsterous t0ady who w0uld n0t die

but with my waning str3ngth, mai h3art ca11ed out 2 all of j00, adn with j00r luv adn teh p0w3r did j00 h3lp driev away that slithering Dark Toady that I may haev teh opp0rtunity to h3al & r3st a spe11, adn rec0ver an3w.

It was all thx 2 j00.

a11 of j00.

each adn every 1 of j00 wh0 f0und teh <3 in j00r h3arts adn spr3ad teh luv s0 that I c0uld 0vercum teh darkne55 adn b with j00 here n0w.

Piconjo Day 2024 wi11 b teh 1337

but m0st of a11...


Piconjo <3 j00

(now suxx mai p3n0r)




Posted by Piconjo - April 1st, 2024

iu_1183228_661678.pnghe11o, everyb0dy, it is I, j00r g0d, Piconjo...... iu_1183227_661678.png

adn I luv j00 a11, each adn every 1 of j00... <3...

I am here n0w f0r an imp0rtant Piconjo message.

as j00 haev h3ard I am g0ing thru kidney failure

adn curr3ntly 0n dialysis ToT

mai future inv0lvement in the upcumming Piconjo Day on 6/9 is in questi0n due 2 mai kidn3y h3alth

s0 I n33d j00r luv adn supp0rt n0w moer than ever.


just taek a m0m3nt adn understadn this w0rld is in dark adn perilous tiems where toadies r everywhere.


pray 4 Piconjo

that is a11 that is n33ded, adn j00 wi11 send teh luv<3 2 teh w0rld

if j00 giev then w3 a11 receieve.

adn if j00 want 2 d0 just a little moer

then I ask j00 take just a minute to sh0w j00r supp0rt

by posting teh symbol of kidney awareness:


kidn3y awaerne55 flag

please visit teh Piconjo discord server

adn p0st this in the general chat:


j00 may say something like "🚩OMG RED FLAG!🚩"

in h0nor of Piconjo adn international kidn3y day of visibility.

p0st this emoji there (click link ab0ve) as much as j00 want, teh m0er p0sts teh moer j00r supp0rt.

with teh luv j00 sh0w I may yet fu11y rec0ver adn b there 4 j00 on 6/9.

but at least 4 n0w I am sti11 with j00 2day

on Piconjo Pwns day.

bcuz Piconjo b0th Pwns j00 adn <3 j00


🚩sh0w kidn3y awaerne55🚩

on Piconjo Discord


adn mai latest upl0ad:
