2day, 4pril 1st, is h3reby d3clared........
PICONJO PWNS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!1!
This is teh day where j00 remember all teh 1337 m0m3nts in hist0ry where j00r g0d Piconjo pwnd all teh toadies adn n00bs maeking teh w0rld a m0re 1337 place.
When every1 else didn't want to st3p up and cum 4ward against toady lies adn trickery with their warty buttz in every1's face, PICONJO CUMS 2 SAEV J00<3
Let us taek a m0ment 2 remember s0em classic pwnage...
Here is a classic where a n00b fr0m teh Lock Crew maed a m00vie about sh00ting Piconjo. Fewl, j00 cann0t kill Piconjo, 4 Piconjo can n3ver die LOLOLOLOL!!!
Adn, of c0urse, teh classic Piconjo Besitzen Sie where Wadolf gets pwned bcuz he tried to bannz0rz m3 fr0m teh n00grounds IRL; get pwned. ROFLZ!!!
Piconjo Day(s)
Adn j00 can l00k 4ward 2 Piconjo Pwns Pico Day!!!!!!!!!!!!
This j00n w3 haev teh upcumming:
- j00n 9th - Piconjo Day!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!
- j00n 11th - OMG 6/11 (aka Piconjo x Pico Day)
This y3ar's Piconjo Day Theme is:
"Spread teh <3"
Adn this is why we r spr3ading teh luv 2 Pico, 2 help bring him back out of teh irrelevancy with teh p0w3r of mah p3n0r. Piconjo x Pico will b officially end0rsed by m3 adn Tom Fulp so b sure 2 f0llow my NG Acc0unt 2 keep up on teh upcumming ann0uncements!!!!
f0llow 4 moer LOLZ!!
My favorite day ^_^