Official announcement!
Piconjo will save Pico!!!!!!!
There haev been s0 many p3ople asking
PICONJO, why do j00 pwn Pico s0 hard in teh buttz.
OMG What is Piconjo x Pico all ab0ut????????
teh backst0ry
It is teh sad, but Pico's p0pularity is dr00ping.
dr00ping adn p00ping.
Pico has b33n overshad0wed by mah m00vies adn teh similarity of naems just adds 2 teh confusion... OMG SAD! YoY
s0 I, as teh g0d of teh pr0tal, dcided 2 s3t things straight (as straight as can b with Pico) LOL!
I called f0r teh Tom Flup adn he was br0ught f0rth un2 m3.
I said "tom flUp, j00rs know Piconjo <3 j00 very much" so j00 get a speshul g0dly g1ft... oen that will maek j00r p3n0r wiggle and jiggle adn dance... yes, it will maek j00 f33l teh randy dandy in j00r daddy pants once m0re. This is a speshul g1ft j00 haev b33n asking 4 during Piconjomas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!
s0 n0w it is 0fficial...
6/9 is Piconjo Day once more!!!!!!
6/11 is Piconjo x Pico Day <3
OMG 6/11
This is all s0000000 1337, but what is teh s3cr3t behind teh coincidence of Pico having a naem that is just part of teh full 1337 naem Piconjo?
0GM I will t3ll j00...
Let's cum 2gether adn use teh <3 4 daddy flup bcuz OMG this t00k a lot 2 plan with him adn every1 who has b33n f0llowing Piconjo adn Pico m00vies.
B gr8
B <3'd
Piconjo <3 j00
Ogm liek t3h i catn wait 2 mayk kawai art with pic0 ans pic0nj3r!!111!112 <3<3<4