teh Piconjo Day 2024 th3me is...
Drag0n p3n0r
- 1920x1080
- 24fps
- .swf/.mp4
- due by 6/6
for moer inf0 piconjogr0unds
I w0uld p0st moer
2 w33k 2day...
pray 4 piconjo
I am teh g0d of teh pr0tal.
Let's pwn 2gether.
if j00 maek Piconjo c0nt3nt I wi11 feature j00.
Piconjo <3 j00
Piconjo > j00
Piconjo pwns j00
suxx mah p3n0r, kthx
g0d of teh pr0tal
Pwns U
Joined on 11/5/03
Posted by Piconjo - March 15th, 2024
for moer inf0 piconjogr0unds
I w0uld p0st moer
2 w33k 2day...
pray 4 piconjo
Posted by Piconjo - February 15th, 2024
Happy Epic Ki55 Day<3
Rem3mber... Piconjo <3 j00 every day.
But 2day oen of j00 gets a speshul epic ki55....
OMG wh0 d0 I <3ki55<3 this y3ar????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
find 0ut here!
Posted by Piconjo - November 4th, 2023
rem3mber, rem3mber...
l00king back at teh m00vies I p0sted... j00 wi11 s33 a l0t of c0ntr0versy.
Many m00vies 0utraged s0 many... adn these r m00vies that pwned teh hardest.
There were soem m00vies s0 contr0versial j00 haev n0t b33n a110wed 2 watch them here on n00gr0unds.
But there are moer contr0versial m00vies!
... can PICONJO haxx d0wn teh Gheytrix h0le adn saev these??
But, at teh depths of teh Gheytrix, there r moer sti11...
these may b imp055ible to saev...
...can PICONJO haxx teh Ghetrix d0wn 2 its c0re adn saev these??
it a11 starts s00n...
rem3mber, rem3mber, teh 5th of n0v3mber
adn nev3r 4get Piconjo <3s j00 4ever, 4ever <3
Posted by Piconjo - September 1st, 2023
20 y3ars ag0 teh Legendary Toad was pl0tting to terr0rize teh w0rld with his ghey flash m00vies.
Only 1 p3rs0n was 1337 enough 2 st0p him...
Alth0ugh I was ultimately vict0rious, it was n0t without casualties........ Michael J. Fox was bruta11y pwnetrated.
But n00grounds was teh saeved adn Michael Jackson Fox fu11y rec0vered. Teh toad is n0 moer adn n00gr0unds is a haven for g0dly m00vies once again.
Think about it... Every PICONJO m00vie that j00 watch saevs an orphaned kitten adn pwns a filthy toady.
w0uld a11 j00 g00d little Piconjers liek a speshul m00vie s00n?
put j00r p3n0rs in teh air if j00 d0 <3
Chat with other n00grounds Piconjers in...
Posted by Piconjo - July 17th, 2023
every1 on n00gr0unds is conn3cted thru Piconjo.
a11 authors are 69 or fewer p3n0r suxx away fr0m Piconjo.
s33 4 j00rself - l00k at any auth0r here on teh n00gr0unds adn f0110w which penor they suxxed adn s00n j00 wi11 find they a11 suxx mah p3n0r.
teh C0nj0 is at teh cent3r of teh n00gr0unds universe.
soem facts:
m0er than 69% haev suxxed mah p3n0r directly adn suxxed it moer than 69 tiems.
but which auth0r is teh biggest p3n0r suxx0r? who has suxxed mai p3n0r teh m0st and k33ps trying to suxx moer every day?
p0st j00r guesses in teh c0mments adn haev a chance at winning a speshul prize<3