I am teh g0d of teh pr0tal.
Let's pwn 2gether.
if j00 maek Piconjo c0nt3nt I wi11 feature j00.
Piconjo <3 j00
Piconjo > j00
Piconjo pwns j00
suxx mah p3n0r, kthx


g0d of teh pr0tal

Pwns U


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teh cumming 6/9 Piconjo Day - pray4Piconjo

Posted by Piconjo - June 3rd, 2024

he110 every1, this me55age goes 2 teh l0ving family of n00gr0unds

Piconjo <3 j00 a11.

I d0 n0t haev much tiem 2 say a11 that is n33ded 2 b said...


0MG I am sti11 in teh h0spital for a final 0perati0n... wi11 n0t b 0ut for a l0ng tiem.

j00 r asking: wi11 this Piconjo Day n0t haev teh Piconjo?

d0 j00 kn0w?
d0 I kn0w?

a11 that can b said is:

69% chance I cann0t be here 4 j00 a11 on our day, Piconjo Day.

I haev an 0perati0n in 3 days. adn 3 days rec0very tiem.


I wanted n0thing m0er than 2 b with j00 beautiful adn w0nderful Piconjers w0rking 0n 1337 m00vies.

with a11 of j00 w0rking hard on Piconjo Day c0nt3nt.

adn a11 of n00gr0unds on our speshul day.

I want 2 b with j00 a11


I d0 n0t kn0w.
w3 0nly ev3r kn0w what is l0cked in our h3arts.

I haev teh tr00 luv 4 j00 a11.

As l0ng as j00 k33p me in j00r h3art I wi11 k33p j00 in mai p3n0r.

it is up 2 j00 a11 2 b Piconjo n0w.

Just for 1 day.

rem3mber teh Piconjo Day is j00n 9th (6/9)

I am s0rry @livecorpse @GreatTeacherOnizuka adn SickDeathfiend.

adn 2 a11 th0se w0rking on Piconjo Jam '24.

I haev c0ntacted soem of j00. @T0MMY j00 kn0w what 2 d0.

rem3mber rem3mb3r teh 5th of n0vemb3r.

alth0ugh I may n0t b here with j00 in b0dy I want j00 a11 2 kn0w if anything, I wi11 b with j00 on 6/9 in teh s0ul adn spirt.

I wi11 rem3mber j00 a11 wher3ver I may g0.

whatever I may b.

4 a11 tiem.

bcuz I walk teh 1337 path.

s0 th0se wh0 kn0w there is a gr8er w0rld may f0110w teh path of pwnage.

pray 4 Piconjo

if j00r <3 is st0rng then I can 0vercum anything adn I wi11 b there with j00 on 6/9, teh n00 Piconjo Day, with a a n00 m00vie 4 a11 of j00 adn a n00 b0dy.. of w0rk.. pwning teh toadies.

but teh future h01ds a n00 w0rld 4 us.

adn that w0rld wi11 n33d Piconjo.

2 pwn teh toadies

in teh n00 w0rld adn in j00r life.

j00 r Piconjo.

j00 can pwn

j00 r 1337

adn s0 we may a11 b 1337 Taugether.

Piconjo <3 j00

a11 of j00

Piconjo <3 j00 4ever




Th4nc u Piconjo. Dis pwn 1s jus7 4 u

big p!!!! i'll be sure to send all my <3 to j00, thru all my restrictions.
j00 have been able 2 recover from any hardships and i'm sure j00 will recover from this too.


luv j00

Th4nk j00, P1c0njo. I h0p3 j00 c4n b3 th31r 0n P1c0nj0 d4y.

1 pr3yt 4 u big p, and j00 w1ll l1v3 diz!1!!!! all mah pr4y3rz r 4 u j00!1!! recover swell, - Sincerely, Mr.Anonymous ?

G00d l0cK P1c0njo. H0ps 1nd pr4y3rz br0therman3

U w1ll 637 7hru 7h15, i kn0w 17 <3

th0u8hts and pray3rs

1 H0pe j00 ge7 B3tt3r Piconjo.

piconjo!! PICONJO!!!!!

Prayin for ya Piconjo... <3

574Y 57R0NG P1C0NJ0!!! <3

Stay strong, you'll PWN this!!! <3

I h0p3 3v3ryth!ng g03s w311, I w!sh j00 r3c0v3r!!1! I'11 pwn a gh3y t0adi3 4 j00

I know I don't type the way I should, but I seriously hope the surgery goes well. I'm rooting for you Piconjo. Stay 1337

8357 0ƒ 1(_)¢|<!!!!1

We luv j00, p1c0nj0!! St4y str0ng!! <3

G3t w3ll s00n Piconjo. W3 <3 j00

ohhh nooo :( get better piconjo :(

L3ts m4ke th1s th3 b3st p1c0nj0 d4y p30pl3 <3