rem3mber, rem3mber...
mah n00gr0unds acc0unt analversary date is teh 5th of n0vemb3r <3
l00king back at teh m00vies I p0sted... j00 wi11 s33 a l0t of c0ntr0versy.
Many m00vies 0utraged s0 many... adn these r m00vies that pwned teh hardest.
There were soem m00vies s0 contr0versial j00 haev n0t b33n a110wed 2 watch them here on n00gr0unds.
In celebrati0n of 20 y3ars on n00gr0unds I will haxx teh Gheytrix and bring back these cla55ic m00vies!!!!!!!!!!
But there are moer contr0versial m00vies!
... can PICONJO haxx d0wn teh Gheytrix h0le adn saev these??
But, at teh depths of teh Gheytrix, there r moer sti11...
these may b imp055ible to saev...
...can PICONJO haxx teh Ghetrix d0wn 2 its c0re adn saev these??
it a11 starts s00n...
rem3mber, rem3mber, teh 5th of n0v3mber
adn nev3r 4get Piconjo <3s j00 4ever, 4ever <3
Finally, the Piconjo Snyder cut is getting released.