Piconjo Day m00vie
Piconjo Jam '24
VOET 5!!!!!!!!
0 s0n, how many p3n0rs have we to pwn with, h0w many bands of toadies, thru h0w many s3ries of rep3titions adn cyc1es of teh stars, before we hasten 2 teh 0ne alone?
Piconjo Day is 6/9 (j00n 9th)!
He110 every1,
it is I, j00r 0ne tr00 luv
I want 2 te11 j00 s0emthing very imp0rtant:
Piconjo <3 j00
adn n0w...
Piconjo Day 2024 - y3ar of teh Drag0n p3n0r
Piconjo Day is cumming!
OMG I am s0 thxful 4 every1 wh0 spr3ad teh luv and saeved teh w0rld. I am back in a11 mai gl0ry<3
j00n 6th 2024
(we are d0ing 6/9 this year, as always lol!!!)
Drag0n p3n0r
Piconjo Day Events!!!!11
Art c0nt3st
tag j00r Piconjo-inspired art with: [Piconjo Day 2024] 2 b c0nsidered 4 teh Piconjo Day Art c0ntest!
s0ng c0nt3st
tag j00r Piconjo-inspired s0ngs with: [Piconjo Day 2024] 2 b c0nsidered 4 teh Piconjo Day s0ng c0ntest!
Piconjo Jam '24
Piconjo Jam '24
Piconjo Jam '24 is contrinuing teh tradition being op3n 2 a11 animat0rs
However, only 7 segm3nts wi11 b featured this y3ar!!!!!!omg!!!!!!
s0 apply n0w f0r c0nsideration!
want 2 b part of teh Piconjo Day headlining sh0w?
want 2 b part of teh l0ng-running animated Piconjo Jam series?
want 2 b featured 0n teh n00gr0unds?
then... OGM!!!!:
7 s3gm3nts ONLY!!!! - there wi11 b 0nly s3ven animat0rs. *inquiry description bel0w!*
- f0rmat: .mp4 or .swf
- frame rate: 24fps
- dimensi0ns: 1920px x 1080px
- d3adline: j00n 6th, 2024 (6/6)
2 apply:
- me55age m3 here on n00gr0unds
- mark me55age subject as: Piconjo Jam 2024
- maek sure 2 message me s00n!
- updaet: last day submi55ion 2DAY - N0W!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!
m00vie sh0uld be .mp4 adn .swf in a zipped f0lder p0sted in j00r n00gr0unds dump, me55age me teh fiel link.
- j00 may upl0ad to Mega Upload or c0ntact a c011ab 0rganizer thru Piconjogr0unds Revolt s3rv3r or Piconjogrounds Discord s3rv3r adn send thru there.
* a11 c0ntests may haev prizes dep3nding on funds adn d0nati0ns.
As j00 haev h3ard, I haev b33n in a diminishing state of h3alth, adn asked j00 2
pray 4 Piconjo
there was a tiem when teh light shined bright adn warmed teh faces adn h3arts of my childr3n, but n0t teh days did draw dark... adn darker... until that darkne55 consumed teh light. thr33 days I was under an op3rati0n, adn in that darkne55 it s33med as an et3rnity. teh pain was unb3arable adn d3ath w0uld b m3rcy, but did n0t cum, 0nly painful wailing and gnashing of t33th assailed by teh m0nsterous t0ady who w0uld n0t die but with my waning str3ngth, mai h3art ca11ed out 2 all of j00, adn with j00r luv adn teh p0w3r did j00 h3lp driev away that slithering Dark Toady that I may haev teh opp0rtunity to h3al & r3st a spe11, adn rec0ver an3w.
It was all thx 2 j00.
a11 of j00.
each adn every 1 of j00 wh0 f0und teh <3 in j00r h3arts adn spr3ad teh luv s0 that I c0uld 0vercum teh darkne55 adn b with j00 here n0w.
Piconjo Day 2024 wi11 b teh 1337
but m0st of a11...
Piconjo <3 j00
(now suxx mai p3n0r)
0h mai g0d, I'm s0 happy t0 h3ar j00'r3 a1r!ght! Can'7 wai7 f0r Pic0nj0 day!