*Drinks Lego Coffee*
I am teh g0d of teh pr0tal.
Let's pwn 2gether.
if j00 maek Piconjo c0nt3nt I wi11 feature j00.
Piconjo <3 j00
Piconjo > j00
Piconjo pwns j00
suxx mah p3n0r, kthx
g0d of teh pr0tal
Pwns U
Joined on 11/5/03
*Drinks Lego Coffee*
Glad you are semi-fine, let's make sure it turns into a full bombass fantastic by the end of the month yeah?
Been so long since I saw you, GLAD TO SEE PICONJ0 RUNN1NG!1!1!1
J00 Fin4lly R3sp0nd t0 j4ck sh1t
3xc1t3d f0R Ith5 d4y!!!!
I h4f at3 da Ch1ck-F1l-4
interseted ;)
I L1ke 1t XD
1d0n¥ Un>37$¥@nd @ w07d xd
Piconjo day... aw yeah...
W3 h@d Pic0 Da@y l@ter Pic0nj0 D@y
0k@y f0r th3s3 D4y :3
i c4nn0t r34d 4nything h3r3 cuh :
R34|_ P1C0NJ0!!!!!!!!????
P1C0NJ000?!?!! P1C0NJ00 DD444Y????!!!!!!!
L3TS FXCKING G0000000 PIC0NJ0 2024!!!!. I'll try and g3t s0m3 m00sic 4 u Pic0nj0. U d3s3rv3 it as teh k1ng 0f teh pr0tal.
Oh well, better get mah stylus ready >:)
H3 S0 G00D T0 TH3 P01NT H3 H&S H1S 0WN D&Y.
Nice job, might even join if I got time.
Oh wait nvm lol, I think we’re out of spaces, sorry I couldn’t join
0h mai g0d, I'm s0 happy t0 h3ar j00'r3 a1r!ght! Can'7 wai7 f0r Pic0nj0 day!