he11o, everyb0dy, it is I, j00r g0d, Piconjo......
adn I luv j00 a11, each adn every 1 of j00... <3...
I am here n0w f0r an imp0rtant Piconjo message.
as j00 haev h3ard I am g0ing thru kidney failure
adn curr3ntly 0n dialysis ToT
mai future inv0lvement in the upcumming Piconjo Day on 6/9 is in questi0n due 2 mai kidn3y h3alth
s0 I n33d j00r luv adn supp0rt n0w moer than ever.
just taek a m0m3nt adn understadn this w0rld is in dark adn perilous tiems where toadies r everywhere.
pray 4 Piconjo
that is a11 that is n33ded, adn j00 wi11 send teh luv<3 2 teh w0rld
if j00 giev then w3 a11 receieve.
adn if j00 want 2 d0 just a little moer
then I ask j00 take just a minute to sh0w j00r supp0rt
by posting teh symbol of kidney awareness:
please visit teh Piconjo discord server
adn p0st this in the general chat:
🚩 :triangular_flag_on_post:
j00 may say something like "🚩OMG RED FLAG!🚩"
in h0nor of Piconjo adn international kidn3y day of visibility.
p0st this emoji there (click link ab0ve) as much as j00 want, teh m0er p0sts teh moer j00r supp0rt.
with teh luv j00 sh0w I may yet fu11y rec0ver adn b there 4 j00 on 6/9.
but at least 4 n0w I am sti11 with j00 2day
on Piconjo Pwns day.
bcuz Piconjo b0th Pwns j00 adn <3 j00
🚩sh0w kidn3y awaerne55🚩
preyerz 4 piconjo <3 j00