UPDAET!!! teh Ki55!!
Celebr8ing teh award-winning Epic Kiss m00vies this y3ar
Soemone wi11 be ki55ed in a m00vie by j00r fav0rite n00gr0unds animat0r on
f3bruary 14th
OMG wh0 is g0ing 2 b ki55ed this year?
adn h0w wi11 they b ki55ed????
teh Epic Kiss 2025
in teh n3xt entry in teh Piconjo original Animated Seri3s teh Epic Kiss
l00k 4 this Piconjo m00vie February 14th!!!
but wait, OGM there's m0er!!!
Epic Ki55 Art C011ab
This y3ar wi11 feature an Epic Kiss Art Co11ab h0sted by @HztaOra !!!!!!!!W0MG!!!!!1!!!
Your submission must have a transparent background and be up to 1337x1337px/69ppi;
Your submission needs to be Piconjo themed and Valentine's day themed, or just Valentine's Day themed!
You will draw some candies for Piconjo's chocolate box, though they don't necessarily have to be chocolates themselves. As an example, you could make some lollipops and any other kinds of candies! Have fun!
would prefer if you kept the rating of your submission from E to M, but A is fine too;
You must dm me on either Newgrounds or Discord (My username is HztaOra1675lol);
Deadline is up to February 10th, and the final piece will be posted on February 13th!
every1 is welc0em 2 maek as much Epic Ki55 c0nt3nt adn use teh tag:
teh best Piconjo Epic Ki55 art wi11 be teh featured here.
Featured EpicKiss2025 Art:
Valentine's Gift (Epic kiss)
by @BenkyUwU
Piconjo <3 j00
adn on teh 14th Piconjo epica11y <3 j00
w0w, mayb3 pic0nj0 r3ally d03$ <3 m3 aft3r all