Piconjo Day m00vie - Piconjo Jam '24
VOET 5!!!!!
2m0rr0w is Piconjo Day.
a day 2 c313br8 teh tr00 essence 0f n00gr0unds, adn c31ebr8 that what beats at teh c3nter of us a11 - unbrid1ed art that kn0ws n0 b0unds.
2m0rr0w dep3nds on j00
2 c313br8
2 b a1ive with art adn luv.
2m0rrow is m y agn... um... op3rati0n
but 2 day... I am al0ne with... on1y this cup of water
by teh tiem I am doen drinking of this cup it wi11 b tiem.
lief is art
art spr3ads teh <3
<3 pwns teh h8
h8 transmutes 2 pa55i0n
teh pa55i0n of teh Piconjo pr0duces art
art spr3ds teh luv
toadies h8 teh luv
toadies get pwned
bcuz Piconjo <3 j00
this w0rld is rife with h8, teh lack of luv is manif3sting imba1ance in a11 h3arts </3
with0ut h3arts art wi11 cease.
art cums fr0m teh h3art
as l0ng as teh h3art b3ats art cann0t b silenced.
it sings inside us a11.
- fr33 j00r h3arts
- fr33 j00r minds
- fr33 j00r p3n0rs
every toady is a slaev
adn wants 2 maek a slaev of j00
walk teh 1337 path
adn then j00 can pwn a11 tria1s until j00 r fr33 from teh p0nd that wartine55 sinks d0wn in2
adn then rise 2 1337ne55
fr33d0me is teh ultimate pwnage
2m0rr0w is j00r day
2 b Piconjo
if this cup is n0t taken fr0m m3
s0 b it
b Piconjo 2m0rr0w
adn let j00r h3arts sing
that s0ng
that may waek m3 fr0m my slumb3r days
if n0t
then it is d0ne
adn my br3ath wi11 find a n00 0ne.
j00 cann0t edn teh pwnage
j00 cann0t edn teh <3
j00 cann0t edn teh Piconjo
W3 will maek j00 pr0ud Piconjo<33