I am teh g0d of teh pr0tal.
Let's pwn 2gether.
if j00 maek Piconjo c0nt3nt I wi11 feature j00.
Piconjo <3 j00
Piconjo > j00
Piconjo pwns j00
suxx mah p3n0r, kthx


g0d of teh pr0tal

Pwns U


Joined on 11/5/03

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Piconjo's News

Posted by Piconjo - August 30th, 2021

I haev n0t b33n s33n as much l8ly...

j00 know it.

in ur h3arts... there is s0mething missing...

But where?

d0 j00 s33?

n00grounds fr0nt page is missing s0mething...

... teh <3 is vanishing...

What is happening... n00grounds...

...is... smothering our <3...?

is this how it ends?


will there be enough <3 2 overcum this gr8 evil...


will it b...


my kidneys... hurt...



Posted by Piconjo - August 25th, 2021

OMG, teh Wadolf is back in teh naziground!iu_399586_661678.png

He is bringing in teh toady army with him!!!! 111!!!!!

Time 2 pwn him adn all teh toadies that follow his regime of h8!!!

Adn what's this??

0MG on my toady hunting adventures I f0und a new toady species!


teh wild EvilScrotum appears!

Capture it with ur Pokey Balls! !!!!!!111!!!1111111LOL!

n3ws on my Scr0tum pwning!


PICONJO pwns j00
PICONJO <3 j00


s33 more toady pwnage



Posted by Piconjo - August 14th, 2021


Buttchamber n33ds teh spanking

Let's get 1,337 signatures! LOL!!!!!!

@buttchamber @mindchamber @luis

We, the Piconjo fan base, are petitioning for the character currently referred to in the NGR game as "Piconjo" to be renamed as "Buttchamber", as per the original author's denouncement of said NGR character.
In addition, the correct attribution should be given wholly given to the Newgrounds author Piconjo as credit for the Piconjo character used by name and derivation with a source link made readily available to Piconjo's proper Newgrounds profile page





Posted by Piconjo - August 11th, 2021



Teh c0rrect date is on front page now. 9/6 for j00 in Am3rica land, but 6/9 for us who will be in Europ3n0r land - which will be me on that day. I will b in teh Fr4nce to pwn all teh toadies there because I heard there were a lot. Then G3rmany to battle teh Nazigrounds toadies.

Finally I will battle teh qu33n of 3ngland who is teh shapeshifting Qu33n Toady.

But maybe I will stop by 5pain for some tacos or burritos ROFL, j0king, I will pwn teh toadies there cuz there are so many my p3n0r will eat them up.

We will s33 where teh Europ3n0r vacation go3s s00n!

But it is up to all of j00 Piconjers everywhere across teh w0rld 2 help me in my quest!

Let us fight Wadolf and teh toadies 2gether!


Summ0n teh p3n0r p0w3r within j00 and make Piconjo content!

teh moer made, teh moer pwnage will happen. Teh moer we pwn 2gether teh moer <3 and teh entier w0rld will stop suxxoring and bcome 1337.

Content does not have to be europ3n0r themed, but it is an opportunity 2 do so.

Would <3 2 s33 more Piconjo music.

All art will be appreciated, so if j00 don't know how to animate or maek music or anything else, j00 can always scribble something funneh for Piconjo day and it will B <3'd, bcuz every piece will b important in our quest.

May teh spl00j b with j00




Posted by Piconjo - July 5th, 2021


On this auspicious day I haev coem 2 spread teh message of fr33dom.

teh m3ssage of fr33dom is a simple concept w3 were b0rn knowing and our h3arts will never 4get. The m3ssage is not of w0rds but of <3.

j00 cannot b fr33 without <3 and j00 cann0t <3 without fr33d0m

teh toadies r here.

They r toadies bcuz they h8. They h8 and they try 2 make j00 h8.

They haev st0len ur country. they haev poisoned ur buttz. and they r trying 2 pwn ur p3n0r.

but I will n0t let them suxx33d.

We will n0t let them suxx33d.

r3member this Ind3pendence Day and wave ur p3n0r proudly.

Ask not what ur p3n0r can do for j00, but what j00 can do 4 ur p3n0r, and then ask ur p3n0r what it can do 4 j00.

And ur p3n0r shall respond saying it can give j00 teh p0w3r 2 resist teh toadies who try to trick j00 into h8ing each other. But it is not a matter of which country j00 identify with when j00 r all on teh path of pwnism.

every man w0man and chi1d has teh p3n0r p0w3r that gives strength 2 pwn.

pwn h8 with <3

teh toadies will haev n0 ch0ice but to cease being toadies and 2 pwn with us as allies.



Posted by Piconjo - July 2nd, 2021

OMG Thx 2 my 1337 Patreon subscribers:

❤️ LilSpook

❤️ Avocado

❤️ Sebbynoodle/AlgaeGhost

❤️ <3 SunflowerBoyMan

j00 all maek 1337 pwnage possible<3

Piconjo <3 j00



Posted by Piconjo - July 1st, 2021

n0 matter how high a sc0re j00 get, mine will always be 1337. LOL


Nice try, SickSexFriend LOL


Thank you can get 1337? Try out teh gaem:



Posted by Piconjo - June 27th, 2021


I am teh happy h0w teh Piconjo panel went yesterday.

in caes j00 missed it...

Piconjo Panel - toadies haxed teh str33m and t00k panel off teh air.

Closing cer3mony - the toadies could n0t stop m3, I send off teh f3stival with teh <3

Teh Piconjers I asked to put it on did a gr8 j0b. Wish I had moer tiem to talk but almost didn't maek it there at all. LOL

But j00 all got a p33k at what goes on behind many of teh Piconjo m00vies found here and now I will divulge some s3cr3t info about my c0re group I w0rk with fairly often.


has worked as an assistant director which means we c0llabed on a wide spectrum of m00vies where he did anything from animating scenes/segments, graphic designs, audio work, or adding special effects. Mostly known for helping organize Piconjo Jams and updating Besitzen Sie into teh Besitzen Sie DVD edition. Also does some script rewrites and helps with social networking (omg join teh Discord), but most importantly he has teh cutebuttz.

Also he is teh father of N00bgrounds Collabs, not teh ripoff Luis who used teh idea of Newgrounds Jams that t0mmy created lol.


Writes, animates, and designs many classic m00vies such as Illness Illusion, Final Fantasy Piconjomas X, Classical Taste, and Piconjo's Sorrow but serves as teh gr8 inspiration for many iconic Piconjo m00vies such as Piconjo Confessions and Epic Kiss. His most recent m00vie we worked on was Discover Piconjo during Piconjo Day.


Longtime contributor that has created iconic and infamous Piconjo m00vies such as Piconjo Zomberz, Piconjo Madness, and created Piconjo-related/inspired m00vies A Legendary Final Fantasy and Kerri's Bigger Invention.

Most recently known for Piconjo Rez-Erektion during Piconjo Day where we worked out a new design to displace teh Buttchamber design.


Worked with me on early Piconjo m00vies and was so prevalent in contributions and so pr0lific that soem people were thinking Livecorpse was my alt account or vice versa. This may or may not be tr00, I wont say lol.

Known for a lot of segments found in Piconjo Jams under many different naems, but has such a distinct style j00 should be able to spot which m00vies he created.


Although not as prolific in the classic m00vies, teh influence has always b33n there. Helps to storyboard, design, and voice act. Please take a l00k at his art. Most recently worked with him on the Sick is Missing m00vie and will b w0rking with him closer in teh future.


Although I do not w0rk with him very closely, I hold him close 2 my h3art.

Has given us such beautiful w0rks such as Piconjo Requiem and worked on Piconjo Jams. Would <3 2 w0rk moer with j00 in teh future.


teh "Elder Longwood" - Part of teh n00 bl00d of Piconjers; I am currently pwning him with my p3n0r to get his style more into Piconjo m00vies.

j00 can see his w0rk in g0d of teh pr0tal, Piconjo: Resurrection, Piconjo- A Message, Piconjo: 日本のファンの皆さん、こんにちは!, and Piconjo: Les Hérétiques

Although these are pe0ple I work with moer often than, I still k33p 2 my r00ts and want 2 w0rk with any1 and every1. There is just only so much tiem we can utilize, but mayb 1 day I will w0rk on a pr0ject with j00<3

special <3 goes out 2:

@stanpai for hosting this event and having m3 and my ch0sen panel on teh pr0gram of ev3nts.

@LilSpook for bringing it all together and supporting both teh Piconjo Panel and the entire event itself.

@LegendairyFrog for making a m3m0rable appearance.

I will be p0sting more thoughts on teh panel at:




Posted by Piconjo - June 26th, 2021


Piconjo: teh Art of Pwnism Panel is starting at 11pm n00grounds tiem (EST)

get ready 2 pwn!



Posted by Piconjo - June 25th, 2021

wtf was this in teh intr0??


n00bs draw m3 in teh fruity purple ROFL!!!!!!

Teh Piconjo Panel (teh PP) is tomorrow 11pm n00grounds time!

Thx j00 all for f33dback on teh panel - I've put 2gether a panel of artists who will let j00 know about teh past, pr3sent, and future of Piconjo. Me & my p3n0r were invited on teh panel, s0 cum j0in in teh fun with us.

<3 Piconjo
