I am at teh Hirsland3n Clinique C3cil.
s0rry 2 say... they n33d 2 perform a kidn33 surgery...
j00 s33... while I was in my r00m animating a n00 m00vie to confess my d33pest thoughts adn yearnings fr0m my <3...a kid came into teh em3rgency r00m.
They were in an accident and ended up with a br0ken kn33...
teh d0ctors l00ked at teh kid and said surgery was necessary.
So they are going to do a kid kn33 surgery.
But I am teh OK
thx j00 all 4 teh kind m3ssages - every last <3 is helping my r3c0very!
teh g3t w3ll s00n card was a b1g reas0n I am having a sp33dy r3c0very <3
thx j00:
@Technotwins (cupid)
@thebulbmin (t.e.x.t)
@Graph (pwntaro)
@rookiejoey2022 (Xiaoyu the Pandagirl)
I will be up adn back on my p3n0r in no tiem<3
A huge thx j00 2 teh healthcare team who t00k care of m3 urgently.
Teh w3lcome at teh fr0nt desk, teh analthesia team, teh assistants, teh nurses in teh op3rating r00m adn teh r3covery r00m were so 1337 and v3ry att3ntive 2 mah p3n0r.
I will n3ver 4get that time spent with j00 l00king out teh window in2 teh d33p night sky, teh m00n illuminated ur beautiful face adn teh stars sang their s0ng as we drew our faces closer... little by little... 2 an epic ki55...
adn j00 kn0w... now that I am at Hirsland3n Clinique C3cil... I might as w3ll d0 soem sight s33ing these next 69 h0urs!