Teh c0rrect date is on front page now. 9/6 for j00 in Am3rica land, but 6/9 for us who will be in Europ3n0r land - which will be me on that day. I will b in teh Fr4nce to pwn all teh toadies there because I heard there were a lot. Then G3rmany to battle teh Nazigrounds toadies.
Finally I will battle teh qu33n of 3ngland who is teh shapeshifting Qu33n Toady.
But maybe I will stop by 5pain for some tacos or burritos ROFL, j0king, I will pwn teh toadies there cuz there are so many my p3n0r will eat them up.
We will s33 where teh Europ3n0r vacation go3s s00n!
But it is up to all of j00 Piconjers everywhere across teh w0rld 2 help me in my quest!
Let us fight Wadolf and teh toadies 2gether!
Summ0n teh p3n0r p0w3r within j00 and make Piconjo content!
teh moer made, teh moer pwnage will happen. Teh moer we pwn 2gether teh moer <3 and teh entier w0rld will stop suxxoring and bcome 1337.
Content does not have to be europ3n0r themed, but it is an opportunity 2 do so.
Would <3 2 s33 more Piconjo music.
All art will be appreciated, so if j00 don't know how to animate or maek music or anything else, j00 can always scribble something funneh for Piconjo day and it will B <3'd, bcuz every piece will b important in our quest.
May teh spl00j b with j00