my children, teh 2nd cumming of Piconjo is n33r - it is almost tiem for...
teh Resur3rection!
This grand event was 4told by ur children, by ur children's children, and j00 have been carrying teh g0spel in ur hart for this reason.
But now is teh most crucial tiem - j00've got work 2 do!
Send Piconjo ur <3!
Teh moer <3 teh gr8er teh p3n0r will riseth!
How do j00 send teh <3?
Moer will be rev33led soon if j00 shaer this m3ssage with every1 j00 know every way j00 can!
Every single liek/subscribe/follow/share/react to this m3ssage will facilitate teh 2nd cuming in grander and 1337er ways! It does not take much to get to the next step OMG!
link to this m3ssage 2 shaer:
Where4art thou? We luv j00. Piconjo pwns us!!!
Soon, my children.
go 4th and spred teh g0spel and j00 will s33.
Piconjo <3 j00