Ther may b soem confusion as 2 which projects I created and which were Piconjer fan-made m00vies and teh gr8r role in which I play.
There is no gr8r authority on a person than teh person themselves.
A lot of toady lies were being spread on wiki pages like teh n00grounds wiki and teh fandom wiki - Piconjo is not a villain, Piconjo defends teh pr0tal and will always fight for j00. Stand strong and do not bliev toady lies. Also there has been confusion regarding authorship of m00vies.
So I will shed soem light on matters...
Piconjo m00vies
tr00ly, everything which is titled/contains teh naem Piconjo is a Piconjo m00vie.
But there is a movement, and at teh core of this moevment was m3 who was given a vision years ago... 2 maek teh most 1337 m00vies ever. It was a gift I did not ask 4, but 1 which was necessary for humanity 2 grow. So I tempted not f8, and set out on my 3pic quest to pwn, not fully understanding teh magnitude of my f8.
teh tr00 Piconjers
Along my path I was met with a 1337 group of talent and bore my art for them 2 s33; teh beauty that unfolded b4 their eyes was that of mysterious p0w3r few men have tasted.
Teh <3 was strong in them and that p0w3r brought us 2gether as a f3ll0wship, we set out 2 pwn teh world starting with teh Piconjo Jams.
Jams were a type of collab that were gaining popularity on NG based around a theme, and teh best theme was Piconjo so we each contributed our pieces and the m0vement picked up from there. teh Newgrounds Jam author T0MMY corresponded with me to help get my vision out to teh world, seeing as he was working to help get exposure for NG artists with the Jams, NG Versus, and 10 Second Showcase. Without him there would b no Piconjo.
Teh Jams required working with a lot of people who were contributing, and as jams grew exponentially I opened my account to auto-accept authorship requests. Back in that time there was only "author" so if ur name was listed then there was no telling how much j00 contributed and a lot of confusion comes from that. Often tiems I gaev input on Piconjer m00vies, supervised, critiqued. Sometiems I had nothing 2 do with a m00vie. What was maed was maed and it blongs not 2 any 1 person but 2 teh w0rld, that is as art should b: fr33 and not stolen away by any 1 person.
Today we have authorship credits settings, but a lot of thoes old accounts are not used today and I cannot change authorship credits 2 reflect any work I did (if any).
So, no, I am not just a gr00p of people trolling j00 any differently than Walter Elias Disney was a group of people trolling j00 with a mouse.
I am teh Piconjo.
I work with Piconjers.
We <3 j00
teh divide
Soemtimes ther is a divide between Piconjo fan art and teh tr00 Piconjers work.
This is y it is so funny 2 p00p on buttchamber's fan contribution for Luis' gaym - bcuz n00bz think I maed it. LOL
Yes, it is still Piconjo. And now it has its plaec in my works as well (to poop on or to <3, it is ur choice) in teh saem way all Piconjo m00vies haev their place in teh Piconjodom.
And, yes, I haev soem degr33 of responsibilities for any and all Piconjo werks 2 exist, and it is that which I will address as well in another, d33per post.
There is also volumes I could write about the heyday of n00grounds. But I must pr3pare for my r3turn.
For now I will simply say
Piconjo <3 j00
PS: thx 2 Red Chevalier, (also known as @Pegman666) for their valiant (adn secksi) d33d in helping 2 fix teh villain wiki page. 4 j00r effortz we thank j00 with a 69 p3n0r sal00t. <3<3<3<3
Spread teh <3 so that teh Resur3rection is at its biggest and fullest!
Spread teh <3

support teh resur3rection
together in pwnism,
Piconjo <3 j00