Until I get enough <3 2 haev a full fl3sh & bl00d r3turn I've n33ded soem p33pl 2 help pr3pare 4 teh 2nd cumming.
Ther r Piconjers who r w0rking very hard 4 all of j00 elsewhere. But r3member, teh only tr00 words will coem from my p0sts here on NG & on my Patreon.
tr00 <3 coems from m3 h33r, excuse any inconsistencies that may happen on other sites if they happen, but there is always <3 from my supporters so show teh <3.
If j00 n33d an answer pl33se DM me.
It may taek a whiel 4 my response, I m teh busy b3ing fully resur3rected 2 my tr00 form, but I will try to <3 j00 all as quickly as I can.
I will be giving special attention 2 teh official Piconjers on my Patreon:
j00 will find my fully endorsed platforms in my profiel:
Piconjo <3 j00
1 h4v3 h34rd u r g00d h4xx0r;
wi11 u 7311 m3 h0w t0 h4ck NG?