20 y3ars ag0 teh Legendary Toad was pl0tting to terr0rize teh w0rld with his ghey flash m00vies.
Only 1 p3rs0n was 1337 enough 2 st0p him...
PICONJO was our only hoep.
Alth0ugh I was ultimately vict0rious, it was n0t without casualties........ Michael J. Fox was bruta11y pwnetrated.
But n00grounds was teh saeved adn Michael Jackson Fox fu11y rec0vered. Teh toad is n0 moer adn n00gr0unds is a haven for g0dly m00vies once again.
Think about it... Every PICONJO m00vie that j00 watch saevs an orphaned kitten adn pwns a filthy toady.
w0uld a11 j00 g00d little Piconjers liek a speshul m00vie s00n?
put j00r p3n0rs in teh air if j00 d0 <3
OMG n3w m00vie!!!!!!!
Chat with other n00grounds Piconjers in...
*enthusiastically throws my epoch pen0r 1nt0 teh air* ow!