I am teh g0d of teh pr0tal.
Let's pwn 2gether.
if j00 maek Piconjo c0nt3nt I wi11 feature j00.
Piconjo <3 j00
Piconjo > j00
Piconjo pwns j00
suxx mah p3n0r, kthx


g0d of teh pr0tal

Pwns U


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wut is a toady??

Posted by Piconjo - February 19th, 2023


0riginally p0sted at teh Patreonjo

Jun 20, 2022 at 11:59 AM

Toadies r n0t teh r3al frogs (fr0gs r teh omg cute!).

Toadies r n0t even actual t0ads.


1337 fr0g is cute<3

toadies r defin3d by their nature adn behavior... Desires that refuse teh <3, cling 2 h8, and a pitiable imp0tence that drives them in their loathsome toady actions. 

Their imp0tent adn flaccid nature is teh 0bvious attribute.

They cann0t b gr8er than j00 bcuz they ch00se h8 over <3, 2 b selfish in tiems when compa5510n is n33ded, adn 2 sink down in2 teh murky p0nd that r0bs them of their <3 where only h8 dwe11s away fr0m teh light ab0ve.

Toadies r teh jealous adn h8 those wh0 d0 n0t dr0wn with them. This h8 is a burden adn a weight that they r chained 2 by desires adn disdain f0r what is g00d; tethered 2 this h8 in teh p0nd of their own machination. Whatev3r p0w3r they may sti11 haev in them is sp3nt against their weight of h8 that drag them d0wn in2 teh murky depths. th0se 0f us wh0 can re13ase teh faek weights adn inst3ad h01d 2 teh <3 wi11 ascend ab0ve teh murky depths.

They compens8 4 this with their sh33r numbers - they herd 2gether 2 croak, adn their croaking is s00thing to each other as it reaffirms their flaccid adn wicked ways.

They gather in teh dark places adn croak toady lies. These lies r n0t 0nly dec3ptive adn h8ful but als0 a pr0jecti0n 0f their self. It is their dark toady magic 2 sp3ak of 0thers in ways that they s33 themselves adn find compensation 4 their suffering by casting a spe11 on 0thers rather than a tr00 rem3dy...

d0 n0t fa11 f0r toady lies adn inst3ad understand teh trick of their projectign i11usi0n.

iu_901365_661678.png Pwning does n0t coem from consensus, but fr0m teh p0w3r insied.

j00 cann0t d0 that which is gr8 without a p0w3r that is gr8r.

when j00 fidn this p0w3r, then j00 > toadies.

Piconjo > toadies

Toadies rely on teh capabilities of 0thers rather than d0ing what is right themselves.

Teh d33ds that they live by r weak adn r 4g0tten while teh w0rks by teh 1337 will live on.

They cann0t pwn, adn r pwned by 0thers. Contrari1y when some1 has moer str3ngth adn p0w3r than is nec3ssary then they can give 2 0thers fr331y. But toadies do not haev teh exc355 p0w3r, adn suffer a deficiency; bcuz of this they rely on wicked self-serving acts, adn think n0t of 0thers bcuz they r s0 weak they can barely d0 what is n33ded 4 themselves s0 will s33k 2 r0b 0thers with their suxxing. When teh h0st is suxxed dry they m0ve on 2 an0ther.


But toadies live in fear adn r contr0113d by it, unable to get their p3n0r up enough 2 change their fetid lives. It is fear they understand adn r fami1iar with s0 they wi11 c0mmunicate with it adn try 2 maek j00 f3ar with them. But b brav3 adn str0ng adn pwn their fearmongering.

bcuz of this fear, they r never a mast3r of their f8, they are enslaved adn s0 they must live teh life of teh slaev in obedience adn servitude. Every1 is their master unless their toady lies adn tricks w0rk a way for them 2 manipulate. But those with p0t3nt p3n0rs wi11 n0t b manipulated by teh h8 adn they d0 n0t n33d 2 lie to manipulate but inst3ad lead by examp1e of their p0w3r.

They will latch on adn suxx teh penors of th0se with p0w3r in hopes of getting some s3curity adn salvation at any c0st. It is a lofty debt that coems at a price. But they wi11 tr3at their h0sts teh saem way as any1 else... teh saem way they treat themselves... disrespectful, destructive, wanting, adn contemptuous.

Teh use of h8 as f0undation k33ps their eg0 fr0m c011apsing, but it comes at high cost 2 their penor. teh 1337 decry adn rebuke teh croaking, so teh toadies must use teh h8 as their gr0unding adn f0undation rather than <3 which s3als their d00m.


OMG TOADY ATTACKZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Their h8 is bui1t on illusi0n adn fantasies.

Their imaginati0n is teh f0undation 4 their reasoning adn they use w0rds only, n0t teh tr00 adn r3al w0rld.

Their lowly words r a11 they haev 2 0ff3r 2 pull j00 away fr0m teh <3 that shiens teh light of tr00th adn casts their delusions 0ut of m1nd. Teh resu1ting tr00 r3ality crushes their faek and Finanal Fant0rsy gaems. This frightens them bcuz their very identity adn self is oen adn teh saem as their Finanal Fantorsies which prom0te their vile actions. They wi11 f331 liek "dying" when their toady lies r pwned.

bcuz they cann0t differentiate betw33n toady lies adn r3ality.

pwn teh lies adn pwn teh toady.


They d0 n0t bring themselves 2 4give 0thers bcuz they cann0t muster teh <3 2 4give even themselves, let al0ne 0thers. Rem0ving warts taeks tr00 change, n0t toady lies, adn will fr33 them of their faek h8 that weighs them d0wn in2 teh depths of their p0nd.

<3 is r3al adn tr00. It taeks h0nesty adn h3art 2 acc3pt <3, but it is easier to simply g0 back to teh p0nd adn sink in2 teh muck 2 reside in teh darkness. Their lack of h3art, p3n0r, and <3 d00ms them 2 teh muck of teh p0nd adn their cycle 0f suffering.


0nly teh pwn sha11 inherit teh Earth.

teh toadies suxx me all day l0ng bcuz I am teh 1337 s0urce of teh pwning that they wish 2 haev in their lives. But they wi11 never find teh 1337 bcuz they 0nly suxx 2 get what they want adn d0 n0t s33k 2 use what they haev 2 bcum 1337, only 2 inv3st in h8 that sinks them d33per in2 teh toady lillyp0nd. Eventually they will b cons00med by teh h8 adn all that they w0rked 2 suxx in their lievs will b l0st adn 4g0tten.

but red3mpti0n is never l0st.

if teh toady ever finds it in them 2 gr0w their penor enough 2 0vercum their warty desires then they sha11 b red33med. No faek toady lies wi11 red33m, but 1337 acts that can 0n1y b accomp1ished with <3 can red33m. 0nly teh <3 can cl3anse them, never lies adn h8.

d0 n0t h8 teh toady, but teh pwn their warty behavior s0 it cann0t turn j00 in2 a toady.

if j00 h8 teh toady then j00 r suxxing their penor adn that penor sha11 fi11 j00 with teh h8 adn j00r path is c0vered in teh warts.

teh pa55i0n of teh pwn may fi11 j00r p3n0r adn ready j00 4 pwnage.

When it is tiem j00 wi11 kn0w h0w 2 pwn.

let teh <3 pwn 4 j00.



Supp0rt teh pwn




Ogm <3333

so toadies are just h8 ful creatures?

hi <3

i dont have enough lightning in mah p3n0r to pwn

i will kill some toadies to get some

W3ll sp0k3n Pic0nj00 :0

@KhaosKitsune617 why kill them and not just pwn them

there is a lot of hate on newgrounds. stoking hatred like this doesn't help. this place practically invented you mad bro. its part of what makes the site good and bad. videos are viewed on the merits but it keeps decent content on the site longer. newgrounds is the practical definiton of anxiety which causes people to be agitated here. I had a html5 game that was essentially a video that was removed for copyrighted content. it used creative commons images except for one picture of chris griffin that I animated. there were some voices that totaled about 3 seconds of yelps and stuff from characters from different media. it was essentially fair use but the video was removed for copyright infringement. what a lot of people don't know is that fair use can protect monetized material.

ROFL every1 I just blammed blam99999 LOLOLOLOLOOLLLLL!!!!!!

well I was never blammed I was removed by newgrounds for copyright infringement. but yeah the username is about expecting to be blammed.

j00 were blammed.
n0t j00r ded m00vie.
8======================================D ( ( )

and toadies sure aren't amphibians either, thank you for teh wordz of advice Piconjo

b00tiful w0rds of teh w1sd0m piconjo <33

Well I'll always provide music for when you have to eliminate toadies.

oh mah goh. Thank you for that info Piconjo.

Dis is s00 1337!!1!1!!1!!!!!1!!! <333333


@blam99999 Newgrounds inventing Piconjo is about as believable as Nickelodeon inventing Ren & Stimpy. They're already cashing in on the creativity posted on their platform, no need to give them credit of invention. Please consider removing yourself from the internet forever.

@T0MMY enjoy being a virgin. don't care that im hated. but ive done nothing wrong.

j00 kn0w he is right adn j00 r ghey LOL!!!!!!!!!!