It is still Europ3n0r Piconjo Day which is 69 days long adn taeks us int0...
Piconjow33n 2022!
0GM!!!!!!1111!!!111!! Get ready 4 an0ther y3ar's sp00ky festivities of 1337 m00vies and pwnage!
What's g0ing on this y3ar?
Trick or Pwn
coem on by teh Piconjogrounds server where Piconjow33n wi11 b a 24/7 event through 0ctob3r!
- teh serv3r wi11 haev a f3stive l00k
- sp3cial Piconj0w33n r0les
- h0rr0r m0vie str3ams
Piconjow33n sp3cial
It w0uldn't b a Piconjow33n without a n3w Piconjow33n Sp3cial m00vie!
an0ther 1337 anthololgy of sp00ky sp00jy h0rr0r adn pwnage!
r j00 a 1337 animat0r that would luv 2 j0in in teh 1337 sp3cial??
j00 can haev an animat3d m0vie included in this y3ar's Piconjow33n sp3cial!
just send m3 or teh c011ab 0rganizer a mp4 fiel of j00r m0vie by 0ct0ber 28th adn it wi11 b c0nsidered f0r part of teh Piconjow33n sp3cial!
"THIS IS PIC0NJOW33N! pic0njow33n, pic0njow33n, pic0njow33n....