Piconjo Day n3ws!!!!1!!
Saving Pico on j00n 9th was just teh start of Piconjo Day '22 (on 6/9), adn rem3mber...
๐งก๐งก๐งกPiconjo Day is 69 days long!๐งก๐งก๐งก
OM6! L00k f0rward 2 teh edn ce11ebrati0ns! OM9!!11!!
Teh last w33k of teh 69 days of Piconjo Day is...
8========================D 0MG PICONJO DAY day! C========================8
..................................................................................................................(there's moer!)
Piconjo Day is 2 (B contrinu3d)
Europ3n0r Piconjo Day
In Europ3n0r countries they would haev teh j00n 9th writt3n backwards as 9/6, so we can ce1ebrate an0ther 69 days of Piconjo Day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Piconjo Day starts again on Sept3mber 6th!
This m3ans I am g0ing 2 taek an0ther Europ3n0r Vacation!
adn this tiem I am intr0ducing a n3w IP (that's an intell3ctual p3n0r)...
There will b a n3w m00vie based on Piconjo Lupwn!
1337 c0ncept Art:
Piconjo Lupwn
is a Piconjo pr0duction
in conjunction with
1337 p3n0r Ass0ciates:
- @t0mmy <3 c011ab 0rganizer/a55istant dir3ct0r
- @hztaora <3 Producti0n Manag3r
- @Pepperly <3 Animati0n/Art
- @ashmageddon <3 Animati0n/Art
- @Anonymous-frog <3 Art/Audio
- @Jelly-P <3 Art
- @crypticcervine <3 Art
- @benkyuwu <3 Art
- @Sourpu55 <3 Audio/Voice
๐ถ With a special Musical Theme by:
<3 give all these artists a f0110w here on n00gr0und
Support teh Piconjo adn Piconjo Lupwn m00vie:
Give a $ tip $ to these artists 4 all teh 1337 w0rk they've provided
- โ Pepperly - for w0rk liek developing teh Piconjo VS mod.
- โ Lilspook - for w0rk liek voicing in Piconjo is Greater than j00 v3
Get a 1337 Artist Commission:
If j00 w0uld liek 2 haev fun adn j0in in pwning with 1337 m00vies:
Join teh Piconjogrounds Discord serv3r
It's time 2 pwn... Eur0pe!