Mai g00d friend @legendaryfrog has b33n an inspiration 2 many.
he has worked hard on teh movies adn his unique style of art but does not haev very much support.
We w0rked on flash animation 2gether adn spread teh <3. Without him there would n0t be n3arly as much laughs and <3 in teh w0rld.
2day I ask j00 2 help support my d3ar friend, c0nsider bcumming a subscriber 2 his patreon:
Just $1 a month can help f33d a starving froggy.
thank j00<3
But I thought LF was j00r arch nemesis who is teh ghey and suxxor j00r p3n0r, are u friends now?
this is legendaryfrog, n0t teh Legendary Frog.
oen is a big fat ghey toady that suxx0rz mai p3n0r
and teh other 1 is not teh t0ady.