buttch4mb3r = b33g p3n0r suxx3r
I am teh g0d of teh pr0tal.
Let's pwn 2gether.
if j00 maek Piconjo c0nt3nt I wi11 feature j00.
Piconjo <3 j00
Piconjo > j00
Piconjo pwns j00
suxx mah p3n0r, kthx
g0d of teh pr0tal
Pwns U
Joined on 11/5/03
buttch4mb3r = b33g p3n0r suxx3r
buttch4mb3r is le f4gg0t
buttch4mb3r 1s th3 b1gg35t f4gg0t on n3wgr0und5 b3c4u53 h1s 1t3r4t10n 0f p1c0nj0 1s r3t4rd3d 45 7uck
buttchamber doesn't suxx, it taeks it gets pwn in teh buttz LOL!!!
Buttchamber p00ped out teh faekonjo who wears ghey purple shirt adn sku11 b00ts pretending 2 b k001 but is just a faker. What is this fakeonjo's naem? 2 b contrinued!!!!
Your mom?
1 l0v3 s0m3 p3n0r
I mean it's right there 24/7, soo...
Alright, I'm thinkin, Derpixon. Mate's and artist, so the author part checks out, they make mostly nsfw stuff, so there is most certantly a high level of P3n0r involved, and they have the most follows on NG, by VERY far actually, like 4 times anyone else, so there is definitly a record going on with em aswell!
AAAaand, they keep uploading stuff to this day, so the "k33ps trying to suxx moer every day" part is there aswell!
I'm putting Derpxion down as well - they seem like who Piconjo's talking about underneath all the leet speak and dick quips.
Legendary Frog..orr Derpixon
c0ngrats on teh anniv3rsayr!<3
69 degr33s of Piconjo was previously reported on the July 2022 issue of Tankman Triweekly.
This is sooo tru! But has this conn3ction ever happened to YOUUUU my dear piconjonojo?
My guess is Legendary Frog but I might be wrong lol
I mean you two have history, so... > : )